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Core features include keyboard and mouse-based editing, multiple views and alignment overviews, and linked structure display with Jmol. Jalview 2 is available in two forms: a lightweight Java applet for use in web applications, and a powerful desktop application that employs web services for sequence alignment, secondary structure prediction and the retrieval of alignments, sequences, annotation and structures from public databases and any DAS 1.53 compliant sequence or annotation server. © 2009 The Author(s).", "date": "2009-05-07T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 6580, "authors": [ { "name": "Waterhouse A.M." }, { "name": "Procter J.B." }, { "name": "Martin D.M.A." }, { "name": "Clamp M." }, { "name": "Barton G.J." } ], "journal": "Bioinformatics" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Jim Procter", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": "", "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Geoff Barton", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": "", "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": null, "typeRole": [], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "ben_s", "additionDate": "2019-02-13T17:01:40Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-22T17:28:29.904886Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "ben_s", "jimprocter" ] }, "validated": 1, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "MView (EBI)", "description": "Reformat the results of a sequence database search (BLAST, FASTA) or a multiple alignment adding optional HTML markup to control colouring and web page layout.", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "mview_ebi", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:mview_ebi", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [], "relation": [], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Formatting" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [ { "uri": "", "term": "nbrf/pir" }, { "uri": "", "term": "ClustalW format" } ] }, { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence search results" }, "format": [ { "uri": "", "term": "nbrf/pir" }, { "uri": "", "term": "ClustalW format" } ] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Data management" }, { "uri": "", "term": "Data visualisation" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "EBI Tools", "Job Dispatcher Tools" ], "maturity": null, "cost": null, "accessibility": null, "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Downloads page", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1093/bioinformatics/14.4.380", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "MView: A web-compatible database search or multiple alignment viewer", "abstract": "Summary: MView is a tool for converting the results of a sequence database search into the form of a coloured multiple alignment of hits stacked against the query. 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EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Nigel Brown", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2015-01-29T15:46:49Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T13:12:03.245759Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "biomadeira", "nandana" ] }, "validated": 1, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "seqret (EBI)", "description": "Sequence format coversion tool.", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "seqret-ebi", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:seqret-ebi", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [], "relation": [ { "biotoolsID": "seqret", "type": "uses" } ], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Data retrieval" }, { "uri": "", "term": "Formatting" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence" }, "format": [] }, { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence" }, "format": [] }, { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Data management" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "EMBOSS at EBI Tools", "EBI Tools", "Job Dispatcher Tools" ], "maturity": null, "cost": null, "accessibility": null, "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Downloads page", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1016/S0168-9525(00)02024-2", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "EMBOSS: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite", "abstract": "", "date": "2000-06-01T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 6907, "authors": [ { "name": "Rice P." }, { "name": "Longden L." }, { "name": "Bleasby A." } ], "journal": "Trends in Genetics" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. 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Previously, HMMER has mainly been available only as a computationally intensive UNIX command-line tool, restricting its use. Recent advances in the software, HMMER3, have resulted in a 100-fold speed gain relative to previous versions. It is now feasible to make efficient profile hidden Markov model (profile HMM) searches via the web. A HMMER web server ( has been designed and implemented such that most protein database searches return within a few seconds. Methods are available for searching either a single protein sequence, multiple protein sequence alignment or profile HMM against a target sequence database, and for searching a protein sequence against Pfam. The web server is designed to cater to a range of different user expertise and accepts batch uploading of multiple queries at once. All search methods are also available as RESTful web services, thereby allowing them to be readily integrated as remotely executed tasks in locally scripted workflows. We have focused on minimizing search times and the ability to rapidly display tabular results, regardless of the number of matches found, developing graphical summaries of the search results to provide quick, intuitive appraisement of them. © 2011 The Author(s).", "date": "2011-07-01T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 3658, "authors": [ { "name": "Finn R.D." }, { "name": "Clements J." }, { "name": "Eddy S.R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Sean Eddy", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2022-11-03T15:52:37.739953Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T13:02:48.077190Z", "editPermission": { "type": "private", "authors": [] }, "validated": 0, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "T-Coffee (EBI)", "description": "Multiple sequence alignment that combines several alignment methods.", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "TCoffee_EBI", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:TCoffee_EBI", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [], "relation": [ { "biotoolsID": "tcoffee", "type": "uses" } ], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence analysis" }, { "uri": "", "term": "Multiple sequence alignment" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence" }, "format": [] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence analysis" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "T-Coffee", "EBI Tools", "Job Dispatcher Tools" ], "maturity": "Mature", "cost": "Free of charge", "accessibility": "Open access", "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Downloads page", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1006/jmbi.2000.4042", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "T-coffee: A novel method for fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment", "abstract": "We describe a new method (T-Coffee) for multiple sequence alignment that provides a dramatic improvement in accuracy with a modest sacrifice in speed as compared to the most commonly used alternatives. The method is broadly based on the popular progressive approach to multiple alignment but avoids the most serious pitfalls caused by the greedy nature of this algorithm. With T-Coffee we pre-process a data set of all pair-wise alignments between the sequences. This provides us with a library of alignment information that can be used to guide the progressive alignment. Intermediate alignments are then based not only on the sequences to be aligned next but also on how all of the sequences align with each other. This alignment information can be derived from heterogeneous sources such as a mixture of alignment programs and/or structure superposition. Here, we illustrate the power of the approach by using a combination of local and global pair-wise alignments to generate the library. The resulting alignments are significantly more reliable, as determined by comparison with a set of 141 test cases, than any of the popular alternatives that we tried. The improvement, especially clear with the more difficult test cases, is always visible, regardless of the phylogenetic spread of the sequences in the tests. (C) 2000 Academic Press.", "date": "2000-09-08T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 5714, "authors": [ { "name": "Notredame C." }, { "name": "Higgins D.G." }, { "name": "Heringa J." } ], "journal": "Journal of Molecular Biology" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Cedric Notredame", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "CRG", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2015-01-29T15:47:33Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T11:40:53.572187Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "nandana", "biomadeira" ] }, "validated": 0, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "MUSCLE (EBI)", "description": "Sequence alignment using the Multiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation (MUSCLE) method", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "muscle_ebi", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:muscle_ebi", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [ { "value": "RRID:SCR_011812", "type": "rrid", "version": null } ], "relation": [ { "biotoolsID": "muscle", "type": "uses" } ], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Multiple sequence alignment" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence" }, "format": [] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence analysis" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "MUSCLE", "EBI Tools", "Job Dispatcher Tools" ], "maturity": null, "cost": null, "accessibility": null, "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Downloads page", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkh340", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "MUSCLE: Multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput", "abstract": "We describe MUSCLE, a new computer program for creating multiple alignments of protein sequences. Elements of the algorithm include fast distance estimation using kmer counting, progressive alignment using a new profile function we call the log-expectation score, and refinement using tree-dependent restricted partitioning. The speed and accuracy of MUSCLE are compared with T-Coffee, MAFFT and CLUSTALW on four test sets of reference alignments: BAliBASE, SABmark, SMART and a new benchmark, PREFAB. MUSCLE achieves the highest, or joint highest, rank in accuracy on each of these sets. Without refinement, MUSCLE achieves average accuracy statistically indistinguishable from T-Coffee and MAFFT, and is the fastest of the tested methods for large numbers of sequences, aligning 5000 sequences of average length 350 in 7 min on a current desktop computer. The MUSCLE program, source code and PREFAB test data are freely available at © Oxford University Press 20004; all rights reserved.", "date": "2004-07-09T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 33553, "authors": [ { "name": "Edgar R.C." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Robert Edgar", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2015-01-29T15:47:31Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T11:39:32.730194Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "biomadeira", "nandana" ] }, "validated": 1, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "MAFFT (EBI)", "description": "A high-speed multiple sequence alignment program.", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "mafft_ebi", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:mafft_ebi", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [], "relation": [ { "biotoolsID": "mafft", "type": "uses" } ], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Multiple sequence alignment" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [ { "uri": "", "term": "FASTA" } ] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [ { "uri": "", "term": "FASTA" } ] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence analysis" }, { "uri": "", "term": "Proteomics" }, { "uri": "", "term": "Genomics" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "MAFFT", "Proteomics" ], "maturity": null, "cost": null, "accessibility": null, "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Downloads page", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1093/molbev/mst010", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: Improvements in performance and usability", "abstract": "We report a major update of the MAFFT multiple sequence alignment program. This version has several new features, including options for adding unaligned sequences into an existing alignment, adjustment of direction in nucleotide alignment, constrained alignment and parallel processing, which were implemented after the previous major update. This report shows actual examples to explain how these features work, alone and in combination. Some examples incorrectly aligned by MAFFT are also shown to clarify its limitations. We discuss how to avoid misalignments, and our ongoing efforts to overcome such limitations. © 2013 The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.", "date": "2013-04-01T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 27141, "authors": [ { "name": "Katoh K." }, { "name": "Standley D.M." } ], "journal": "Molecular Biology and Evolution" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Kazutaka Katoh", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2015-08-03T09:37:03Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T11:38:33.803929Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "", "nandana", "biomadeira", "jw" ] }, "validated": 1, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "Kalign (EBI)", "description": "Fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment which handles large sequences.", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "kalign", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:kalign", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [], "relation": [ { "biotoolsID": "kalign_sbc", "type": "uses" } ], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Multiple sequence alignment" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence" }, "format": [] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence analysis" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "EBI Tools", "Job Dispatcher Tools" ], "maturity": null, "cost": null, "accessibility": null, "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Source code", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkn1006", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Kalign2: High-performance multiple alignment of protein and nucleotide sequences allowing external features", "abstract": "In the growing field of genomics, multiple alignment programs are confronted with ever increasing amounts of data. To address this growing issue we have dramatically improved the running time and memory requirement of Kalign, while maintaining its high alignment accuracy. Kalign version 2 also supports nucleotide alignment, and a newly introduced extension allows for external sequence annotation to be included into the alignment procedure. We demonstrate that Kalign2 is exceptionally fast and memory-efficient, permitting accurate alignment of very large numbers of sequences. The accuracy of Kalign2 compares well to the best methods in the case of protein alignments while its accuracy on nucleotide alignments is generally superior. In addition, we demonstrate the potential of using known or predicted sequence annotation to improve the alignment accuracy. Kalign2 is freely available for download from the Kalign web site ( © 2008 The Author(s).", "date": "2009-07-24T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 221, "authors": [ { "name": "Lassmann T." }, { "name": "Frings O." }, { "name": "Sonnhammer E.L.L." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Erik Sonnhammer", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Timo Lassmann", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Stockholm Bioinformatics Center", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2015-01-29T15:44:06Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T11:37:38.578666Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "biomadeira", "nandana" ] }, "validated": 1, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null }, { "name": "Clustal Omega (EBI)", "description": "Multiple sequence alignment using guide trees and HMM profile-profile techniques.", "homepage": "", "biotoolsID": "clustalo_ebi", "biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:clustalo_ebi", "version": [ "1" ], "otherID": [ { "value": "RRID:SCR_001591", "type": "rrid", "version": null } ], "relation": [ { "biotoolsID": "clustalo", "type": "uses" } ], "function": [ { "operation": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Multiple sequence alignment" } ], "input": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence" }, "format": [ { "uri": "", "term": "FASTA" } ] } ], "output": [ { "data": { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence alignment" }, "format": [ { "uri": "", "term": "FASTA" } ] } ], "note": null, "cmd": null } ], "toolType": [ "Web application", "Web service" ], "topic": [ { "uri": "", "term": "Sequence analysis" } ], "operatingSystem": [ "Linux", "Windows", "Mac" ], "language": [], "license": null, "collectionID": [ "clustal", "EBI Tools", "Job Dispatcher Tools" ], "maturity": null, "cost": null, "accessibility": null, "elixirPlatform": [], "elixirNode": [], "elixirCommunity": [], "link": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Helpdesk" ], "note": null } ], "download": [ { "url": "", "type": "Downloads page", "note": null, "version": null } ], "documentation": [ { "url": "", "type": [ "Terms of use" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null }, { "url": "", "type": [ "General" ], "note": null } ], "publication": [ { "doi": "10.1002/0471250953.bi0313s48", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Primary" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Clustal Omega", "abstract": "Clustal Omega is a package for making multiple sequence alignments of amino acid or nucleotide sequences, quickly and accurately. It is a complete upgrade and rewrite of earlier Clustal programs. This unit describes how to run Clustal Omega interactively from a command line, although it can also be run online from several sites. The unit describes a basic protocol for taking a set of unaligned sequences and producing a full alignment. There are also protocols for using an external HMM or iteration to help improve an alignment.", "date": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 379, "authors": [ { "name": "Sievers F." }, { "name": "Higgins D.G." } ], "journal": "Current Protocols in Bioinformatics" } }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkae241", "pmid": "38597606", "pmcid": null, "type": [ "Other" ], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": null }, { "doi": "10.1093/nar/gkac240", "pmid": null, "pmcid": null, "type": [], "version": null, "note": null, "metadata": { "title": "Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022", "abstract": "The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools frameworks provide integrated access to EMBL-EBI's data resources and core bioinformatics analytical tools. EBI Search ( provides a full-text search engine across nearly 5 billion entries, while the Job Dispatcher tools framework ( enables the scientific community to perform a diverse range of sequence analysis using popular bioinformatics applications. Both allow users to interact through user-friendly web applications, as well as via RESTful and SOAP-based APIs. Here, we describe recent improvements to these services and updates made to accommodate the increasing data requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "date": "2022-07-05T00:00:00Z", "citationCount": 867, "authors": [ { "name": "Madeira F." }, { "name": "Pearce M." }, { "name": "Tivey A.R.N." }, { "name": "Basutkar P." }, { "name": "Lee J." }, { "name": "Edbali O." }, { "name": "Madhusoodanan N." }, { "name": "Kolesnikov A." }, { "name": "Lopez R." } ], "journal": "Nucleic Acids Research" } } ], "credit": [ { "name": "Des Higgins", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Person", "typeRole": [ "Developer" ], "note": null }, { "name": "EMBL-EBI", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "University College Dublin", "email": null, "url": null, "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Institute", "typeRole": [ "Provider" ], "note": null }, { "name": "Job Dispatcher", "email": null, "url": "", "orcidid": null, "gridid": null, "rorid": null, "fundrefid": null, "typeEntity": "Project", "typeRole": [ "Primary contact" ], "note": null } ], "community": null, "owner": "jdispatcher", "additionDate": "2015-01-29T15:47:29Z", "lastUpdate": "2024-05-16T11:35:27.147795Z", "editPermission": { "type": "group", "authors": [ "nandana", "biomadeira" ] }, "validated": 0, "homepage_status": 0, "elixir_badge": 0, "confidence_flag": null } ] }{ "count": 123, "next": "?page=2", "previous": null, "list": [ { "name": "Jalview", "description": "Jalview is a free program for multiple sequence alignment editing, visualisation and analysis. Use it to view and edit sequence alignments, analyse them with phylogenetic trees and principal components analysis (PCA) plots and explore molecular structures and annotation.", "homepage": "